Monday, June 22, 2020

Wearing a mask is NOT a political issue.

Political polarization in this country is going to cost people their lives.

While simple steps and common sense could save people’s lives.

Ignoring doctors and scientists is a bad idea.

See also: recent Trump rally.

See also: projected outbreak.

Smug liberals and careless conservatives. While both groups have their issues, this particular issue, WEARING A MASK seems to have one side of the political spectrum very upset.

One of these two groups seem to be arguing very loudly about all the reasons why they shouldn’t be forced to wear a mask. For some in this country, they feel like being asked to wear a mask, or being told to wear one in certain situations, is a violation of their freedoms.

Which is an interesting stand to take, no?

I mean, our government and society in America have a variety of other ways our freedoms are violated daily, but this is the one you choose?

It’s not the current administration's non-stop attack of the free media that worries you?

It’s not the fact that the current “commander in chief” has openly lied to the American public a staggering 16,000 times since his oath of office?

It’s not the fact that police are armed like the military and attacking citizens instead of protecting them that worries you?

It’s not the fact that education has become so expensive in this country that many can barely afford it?

It’s not the fact that we have THE MOST expensive healthcare system in the world but still do not receive better care?

It’s not the fact that unions are being busted and broken up while wages remain stagnant but the wealthiest seem to be getting substantially wealthier?

None of those things bother you or seem like oppression huh?

It’s a mask you’re worried about?

But is it the mask? Or is it something else? Is it as simple as you just need something new to complain about? Football season hasn’t started yet, so you can’t yell at the players to stand. I get it. So, you’re taking a stand against the tyranny of wearing something to cover your mouth and nose. Got it.

Why is it that it seems like the least oppressed group in this country are the loudest about being oppressed? And when the most oppressed group in this country complains about being oppressed, we blow them off? Where are our priorities in America?  What is important to you? Family? Your job? Your community? Your country? Proud to be an American, are ya?

Well, protect yourself and your community by simply wearing a mask.

Stop arguing with scientists. The fact is mask-wearing reduces the spread of respiratory diseases, period. This can be easily proven by a simple search on google scholar, I encourage you to do so.

So stop it America. You are being ridiculous. Do you think mask-wearing is oppression? You have no idea what true oppression is.

Your self-important incompetence is embarrassing. Your lack of world history or even basic US history is shameful.

You feel proud to “take a stand” but remain perfectly silent when others' actual rights are stripped daily. You are so self-centered and disgustingly selfish that you’d rather breath diseased air onto a grandmother’s face than place a tiny sheet of cloth over yours? What happened to the sense of community in this country? What happened to us making small sacrifices to keep us all safe? For many in this country, the slight inconvenience of wearing a mask far outweighed the negative consequences, like the death of grandma, so they put a mask on. While others seem to struggle with very simple humanist concepts.

Why was our president embarrassed to wear a mask in front of cameras?

Why did our vice president visit a hospital and not wear a mask during a pandemic?

How on earth does America LEAD THE WORLD in coronavirus DEATHS and CASES?

These are serious questions. And they deserve serious answers.

America will likely have 200,000 deaths due to a virus our government told us was “another hoax” and would “go away when it gets warm”.

Earlier social distancing and mask-wearing could have easily cut that number in half, or maybe even a quarter.

#1 in the world, we should be proud.

And instead of coming together and doing the simple little things to keep each other safe, we argue about our supposed “rights” being taken away.

You don’t want to wear a mask in public? Fine.

But be an adult and admit that it’s not because of some fictional tyrannical government scenario you’ve created in your head. It’s because you don’t care about anyone but yourself. Because if you did, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.

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